
Showing posts from January, 2019

LHS band quarter 2 concerts

This poster was made for the quarter 2 band concerts, although this poster did not end up being used in the end, i am still really proud of it. this project taught me a lot about using text as a medium that can be used to show movement. Looking back on it i don't like the warp used on the dates, but the way i had used text warping to fit a shape i feel was really good, especially for my first time doing it. 

1st semester reflection 1/23/2019

these were 5 photos from the semester that i felt were my best. Each photo showed something that i had learned and improved on. the first photo showed an understanding of rule of thirds that was used to bring an aspect of geometric shapes into an organic photo. my second photo showed how i learned to take photos that emulate other photographers. it also allowed me to take a darker and dustier looking photo that didn't emphasize anything specifically. for the third i learned a lot about editing photos in light room. it let me experiment and create an image that appears alien through only changing the colours and light. my 4th photo showed an understanding of masking in Photoshop. i created a mask that included everything but the nail, and i applied a sepia tone to the mask. the last photo showed an understanding of colour as well as emphasis on a portion of the photo. overall i feel that the thing I have improved on most this semester is both editing as well as shoot

Emulation project on Jeanine Michna-Bales


Project #5 - Basic PS and Camera Controls

these pictures were for my photography class where we were experimenting and learning about several types of camera controls. by this, i mean how to use manual controls to make an image look like it has blurred motion, frozen motion, shallow depth of field, or deep depth of field. in order to shoot these, i had to put my camera into manual mode, and i had to change aperature, exposure, and shutter speed. this allowed me to get the achieved look, without editing.