
Showing posts from February, 2019

PDX Jazz festival 2019

This cover was done in collaboration with Kodalev Daniel, he took the photos and i was tasked with using them in order to create a cover for the Portland Jazz festival. he wanted a colour pallette similar to the dave brubeck quartet - time out, so i used that to sample colours to use for my final project this one was done in collaboration with Mia Nelson, for this one i was able to use a colour duotone in order to make it look older, and the pallette was inspired by the 30s and 50s. i wanted to give it that old vintage look turned modern, so i used that old pallette, but the shapes and the rest was inspired more by current contemporary art.

Project #8 - Digital Alternative Process

Cyanotype  is the process of making a photo by processing in iron compounds. in order to make a cyanotype photo with a digital camera, you just need an inverted photo, the chemicals, and a canvas. in order to prepare the canvas, you brush the chemicals onto it and make sure your work area is dimly lit to avoid accidental exposure to light. then you put your negative on top, and sandwich it between two pieces of glass to prevent movement. then all you need to do is expose it to UV light (such as the sun) Dagurreotype  is the earliest photo processing technique known. It involves using a polished silver plate exposed to halogen fumes, which makes the plate photosensitive. to create the image, you put the plate into the holder, and remove the opaque protecting cover, which allowed the plate to develop an invisible image. in order to make it visible, you would expose it to the fumes given off by heated mercury in a specially made development box. Chlorophyll Process This proces

School Community project- Perspective of place

For this project me and my group partner (Amanda Taylor) had to take photos of a place that represented the lincoln community. we chose the shop room for the theatre, since in there it's a tradition to sign your name on the wall when you're a senior. and because of this there are names from kids all the way back to i think the seventies. using the photos we took, we then made a collage out of them by physically printing and pasting the photos.

Photo 1-2 Photo Lithography

Ruth Chapman PantlessDan via reddit Photo Lithography is briefly summed up as printing an image manually. this means that you isolate certain colours and make a stencil out of the selected colours only, then you paint on the colour to a surface by hand using the stencil. this process requires you to layer the stencils in a certain order, to get the desired result. you can use this technique to print onto almost anything. it just requires you to have the stencil and the nessacary ink to print on the material. original gallery (rosie emerson) Cyanotype is the process of making a photo by processing in iron compounds. in order to make a cynotype photo with a digital camera, you just need an inverted photo, the chemicals, and a canvas. in order to prepare the canvas, you brush the chemicals onto it and make sure your work area is dimly lit to avoid accidental exposure to light. then you put your negative ontop, and sandwich it between two pieces of glass to prevent moveme

Project #7 - multiple image techniques

This was a project for my Photography class, in it we were experimenting with ways of using multiple photos in order to make a single end product. We did photos that used HDR imaging, panoramas, and multiple exposure. I used my camera instead of my phone, so I had to do all my edits in Photoshop, this means that i took 3 photos for the panos and stitched them together using Photoshop. since i only took a couple photos and i used a small tripod, i was not able to get smooth shots, this is why the table in the last photo appears bent. for the HDR images i took 3 photos each with a different exposure length, this caused each photo to bee able to be combined to make an end photo that showed all values without anything being overexposed or underexposed. for the multiple exposures, i simply took a couple photos and overlayed them on top of a starting photo.