
Showing posts from June, 2019

Utopia Dystopia prework

Title of Film or Video: Ways it showed a UTOPIA Ways it showed DYSTOPIA Blade runner ad technologically advanced clones more human than humans dark lighting hunting people Truman show nothing bad lives in a movie set no privacy nothing is real mad max 2 "community" no government no law or justice Utopia is a world where everything is perfect and it's an ideal world where nothing is wrong, on the other side of things is a dystopia, and in this world things are bad, it usually shows a utopia, but with a dark undertone, such as in order for society to be perfect, others need to be put in isolation, or everything is perfect, but if you step out of line you're brutally beaten. I could go on for a while about dystopias, but that's the simple definition, a world where things are horrible and portrays a society that's far from ideal.

Final Portfolio (photo 1-2)

Polluted Purity, collaboration with Kai Field

This was the design i used for a screen print. It was my first time doing screen printing, and it provided many new challenges such as the limited colours allowed, as well as making so it didn't get ruined if the design wasn't aligned perfectly.  for the final product i printed on thick paper, which i believe was water color paper (my teacher didn't tell us) and we folded and ripped 12 sheets which we printed on, we did this in order to give the print a more handmade feel as opposed to cutting it which would look more machine made and less like it was actually printed by hand, which it was.  in total I made 12 prints with the help of Kai Field and we both signed them, and numbered them 1-12 with one being the most accurate to the original design, and 12 being the worst print. each step of the printing process was done by hand, we exposed the screens by using a UV lamp and a b/w transparency print of one of the colours (NOT gray scale, as you can not do gradients us

Project #13 - Utopia/Dystopia

For the utopia i wanted to show how even though we often destroy nature, we also embrace it in many ways. We use plants as a symbol of beauty, and love. We often implement nature into art and we use it to decorate structures, show respect, and use it as a gesture of love.  as for the dystopia, i tried to refrain from editing as much as possible. This was due to the meaning behind these. I created this series to show how humanity destroys nature for nothing but its own selfish benefit, so i left the photos natural to show respect for nature and that which we may take for granted. Guess which is which!